مصطلحات كيمائية

Amorphous solida solid with considerable disorder in its structure.
Amphoteric substance  a substance that can behave either as an acid or as a base.
Anion a negative ion.
Anodethe electrode in a galvanic cell at which oxidation occurs.
Aqueous solutiona solution in which water is the dissolving medium or solvent.
Aromatic hydrocarbon  one of a special class of cyclic unsaturated hydrocarbons, the simplest of which is benzene.
Arrhenius concepta concept postulating that acids produce hydrogen ions in aqueous solution, while bases produce hydroxide ions.
Arrhenius equationthe equation representing the rate constant as k 5 Ae2Ea /RT , where A represents the product of the collision frequency and the steric factor, and e2Ea /RT is the fraction of collisions with sufficient energy to produce a reaction.
Atmospherethe mixture of gases that surrounds the earth’s surface.
Atomic numberthe number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
Atomic radiushalf the distance between the nuclei in a molecule consisting of identical atoms.
Atomic weightthe weighted average mass of the atoms in a naturally occurring element.
Accuracythe agreement of a particular value with the true value.
Acida substance that produces hydrogen ions in solution; a proton donor
Acid–base indicatora substance that marks the end point of an acid–base titration by changing color.